Couldn’t you, O Angel,warn me as I trammeled through the bowers of love;
There must have been something you could have done as I advanced through
The most powerful of currents that could have lifted some of the torrid pain.
My breath is too small to praise you from saving me from so much deadening;
But, this O Angel, you could have told me of the precarious nature of such a love;
I was not prepared for the immense sacrifice of endurance for such a loss.
She was a goddess and I was not a god to be; I, in my smallness, could
Neither offer her a throne nor could I accept such a bounty knowing my slower
Destiny lagged behind hers. For this, her freedom to enlarge was my only choice.
How awesome and stupendous it must be for you; giving the eons to imbibe
Centuries of feeling where I am but hardly able to allow the intake of this one moment.
Our lives pass by and dwindle, while you my angel witness only eternity.
Yes, Angel, if I had such an eternity, it would take those centuries to acquire a
Bounty that she deserves. Angel! Pluck this pain from me and shelve it behind
The joys not yet revealed to me so it will mollify the immensity of this loss.
Here, O Angel, we fall with a thud before we ripen; only unripe fruit such as I
Know that my slower destiny lacking the alacrity of a waterfall, cannot meet up
With seasons with which I am not prepared. Such fruit, as I, must jump off.
Only you can see full cycles, beyond the ever changing seasons; while I, unknowing,
In the seed, cannot apprise the weathering and sun drenched months between parching
And torrents of rain. But, you Angel, were with the architect of the seed when planted.
My season to reunite with her will take more than an earthly or solar cycle; I hope
That in the interim of such prolongation, she will recognize the insipient god who
Came to her upon his flowering. Tell me Angel, let me know when that will be.
you have not 1 angel but many... many devas
who bow to your Godself
but as my friend S always tells me...
she's already inside you...
part of the infinity of your Godhood