We grew up impatient at times most because of the clamour

Of relatives; we grew up in the pure space of a toy and after

Leaving home we stood between the world and that toy.

Ever since, we looked for a consecrated event to supplant

The innocence of the toy with the hackneyed world weary

Measuring sticks of the dreary codex and convention

It is a never content recalcitrant will that separates us from

Innocence of the young adult who begins to believe in the

Power of adulthood, flings himself from innocence to debauchery.

That young man, the son of a power broker, who wants to bench

Press 200 lbs at the age of ten, will inexorably want to be a

Governor one day; many will bully others and take their toys.

We are not content to let children be as they really are; rather,

We engineer them into a hyperextension of ourselves to do

A bidding that we would have never dreamed possible on our own.

Who shows children as they really are without  toying them around?

Why is it that we fail to see that this ascending boy will replace

These innocuous toys with weapons of terrifying ferocity.

This is not a will chosen by nature but a failure to recognize the

Difference of innocent playfullfuness with the responsibility of

True soul culture.  This is the lesson of the baby Khrisna.

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Sandeep .'s picture

If many poeple like u where here in this world,who had done some justice to the word 'Intelligence'then this world would really been a better place for everyone of us.Now we ourself had made this place a hell,u r very right.And the life of krishna perfectly shows the way to live here in this world.It would have been a heaven instead,if we would have understood him rightly.'True Soul culture'.Some day it will emerge.lets hop so.When people gets their heads right,someday....!

thanx fo the poem.Its an inspiration.
