You, you don’t know, the origin of all magnetic responses
And how you are lured into your present melee of circumstance;
What passions are borrowed from some primordial time?
We do not love like a flower that is pollinated in the spring and
Thereafter wilts; we love from all the unquenchable brewing of
Of a perpetual sap rising to reach innumerable leaves of being.
What came before was an infinite landscape, that at some time
Ago was clouded and eventually became clear; and in that clearing
That was intermittent, we came together to love in this way.
What came before was wrecked mountains, dried riverbeds and
Moons pocked with craters; such previous decimations allowed
For this clearing ever since angels sang in the very beginning.
We don’t know what came before the initial spawning and how
It overcame these decimations, but love endured from this elder
Blood where most of them lay gored by the sickle of time.
In this new ground space, tilled from all that immemorial past,
Grows new embryonic being that takes no cognizance of that
Clouded past but waits for that new clearing to love once again.
In our own inner landscapes we make that same clearing from all
Our previous decimations just as the hard winters and perpetual
Dissolution clears the way for growth and renewing springs of love
"We do not love like a flower that is pollinated in the spring and
Thereafter wilts;"