Springtime, and all the annunciations that go with it;

Insipient eruptions of seeds and the quietude of stillness.

The affirming days but moreover, all those promises.’

The radiance of first effulgence that opens into day;

Those structured trees so strong and forceful and the

Ennobling fervor of all those unfolding powers.

The clap of a thunderbolt and the breathing clarity of

Ozonated air.  At the approach of evening there is the

Presentiment  that all of life will resurrect continually.

Nowhere, my beloved is there such a world but within.

Although our lives pass in transformation and continual

Change, that renewal of spring is the promise of immortality

Our life on earth builds temples to the squandering of life

And tries to hoard life as if it were possible for the spring

Of life to dry up. Life is not something to hoard in storage.

Tell me, angel of the morning, are you not part of that which

Is perpetual in its ongoingness.  The antitheses of spring is winter,

After a fall a thing dies and this is the mystery of renewing.

But we in our vain imagining belivee in a Big Bang that will

Fizzle out a universe.  Such could not be the case when the

Architect of our original being knew of only life and eternal spring

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Animal Rights Coalition 9's picture

thank you for multiplying my view of the word 'annunciation'

and for all your poems