Women’s breast! Marketable fruit of equipoise;

On the swaying scales of equilibrium, just below

The shoulders for public viewing; melons on display.

Even with a scant bit of cleavage they bespeak ripeness,

And for this men are weighed in the scales and found

Wanting. It is the attractor not the attractee that violates.

Maybe the mammary glands violate our eyes in the way

Women believe that the male organ is the chief violator;

Both have their positioning in a way that is hard to deny.

Now if we were utterly indulged in the need of nothing and

Beyond attraction and aversion, then nature would not go

Out of its way and such adornments would be superfluous.

However, in addition to the abundant cleavage is the metallic

Silk woven over sumptuous mounds, sprinkled with ambrosia

And animated by a gentle sway that precipitates the leers.

Still art is one thing but Venus has a panoply of nuances of

Poetry in motion and for that I am thankful.  Let the abundance

Of curves exist and let me admire them without committing a crime

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S74RW4RD's picture

Let Euclid keep his geometry of straight lines and right angles. The geometry of feminine curves is far greater, and this poem demonstrates that!


Ruth Lovejoy's picture

a wonderful piece of descriptive art to the human body!