Praise God, Dam God are all synonyms for amen.

Amen, that the stock market rose over ten thousand

Amen that conservatives triumph over liberals.

There is always an interlocution of what we hear.

Some unction or bromide is offered disingenuously;

Accolades are given to the fallen and the risen

If a stalwart athlete is awarded the gold medal, - amen!

Seconds later, a child is struck by a car; we say amen.

Are we curiously enamored by the fickle finger of fate?

Charles Proteus Steinmetz was a hunchback, amen.

The protean genius Stephen Hawking is paraplegic;

Let us say amen to both the gifted and the cursed.

When the road kills are splattered over our highways,

And we are still safe behind our windshields, say amen,

And after so many Hail Mary’s and Our Fathers, amen.

An ole nag will die and a house will burn down, amen.

The lion hides behind the pollard window and we feel

Protected for a while; we are assailed by our thoughts, amen.

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You are gifted. The last line: "we are assailed by our thoughts, amen." is as true as True can get.

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