Be honest with me and tell me how many dead hours

You spend asleep while your government issues out

Death tolls at your behest as if you signed up for it.

We do not allow ourselves the time to weep over old

Grain since new crops are harvested for cannon fodder.

We hitch our plow to the black horse of death every time.

Not a sparrow falls without the consent of the divine and

It only requires a small amount of well chosen grain to

Do its soaring.  Our war jets require tons of our grain.

Who have we tacitly killed while sleeping as sons of

Forgetfulness; we eat the flesh of those who died screaming;

In our dark inn we lay on pillows covering opened knives.

Yes, we live in the divine house but only to sleep; this

Is our excuse for if we are sleeping then it is only a dream;

To be awake in the divine house would make it seem real.

Perhaps when we were created during the second creation

God left all this darkness inside us.  There is not enough

Guilt inside us to account for all of this dark matter.

We are surprised when a sun supernovas; it is almost as

If it is overcome by the darkness of our unconscious sin.

Sleeping in the divine house has its drawbacks.

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