Napoleon’s troops died of starvation and
Deprivation in Vilnius; Hannibal’s elephants
Never made their way back from Africa.
The world continues to loose many things and
Those making those decisions have their mantle.
What politician does not squander political capital?
The artist wants to capture delight; the general a
Country and if Rousseau got his way, all idealism
Would be made prisoner. Who of us is not dangerous?
Animals have their enclaves and bees have their hives;
The collective is mindful; the drones are not privy to the
Queen; the inviolability of military command is sacrosanct
Sometimes creatures are saved by happenstance; bat’s wings
Are saviors to mosquitoes; sometimes it is the fear of death
That keeps us alive for so long; Horace and Oedipus tells us this.
The dead man lies down with his big toe sticking up. Whether
We are over burdened by bad marriages or wars something has
To bear the brunt. Nazi oven-stuffers were just following orders.
Somehow, those in charge never seem to get implicated because of
Deniable plausibility or something or other. The ax man has his cloak,
Judges are cloaked and let’s faces it; truth is never known and seldom uncloaked