The politics of democracy is not mentioned in secreted prison camps;

Freedom is not a subject in the execution room of a forfeited life;

How will the barristers present their cases without habeas corpus?

Each day our freedom is chiseled away by a fiat or executive order;

We are like so many salmon touching in the dark that we are forced

To swim in a direction outlined in an act that stole our patriotism.

The burning monasteries is built into the world, unless a deal is struck

With the devil so that holy relics may survive.  In all the cities of the

World you’ll find generals living near theses places of pilgrimage.

So many injustices have come through us all; we have given tacit

Approval though our charges of killing kids in Waco to capital

Punishment for minors.  Asymmetrical war is not just in Iraq.

Our joy was destroyed a long time ago for the sake of freedom;

A mad senator in Rome gives his horse a Roman title; what else

Will pass for a law that will have us all waiting for the ax?

Maybe the only freedom we’ll have left is the freedom to take

Our own life as was done in the Massada.   We are told that we

Should be playing the fruit of gratitude for the freedom we have.

We are like fish in the shadows below the dock; every new law

Is a hook thrown down.  There is nothing on that hook except

Farewell to our remaining freedoms. What will we do without them.

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Bryan Adam Tomimbang's picture

So very inspiring!!!!!!!! I wanna shout it out loud. I agree too with your thoughts. Very outstanding write. Keep it up!