From You, To Me

When I look inside you,
our two souls seem to touch;
Through our eyes, a mist with dew,
seems like fairy tales, and such.

How wonderful is the gaze of two,
who are seeking one.
Hearts, beating amidst the maze
of our entangled lives, undone.

How can we help but to yield
to the knowing light within?
It breaks boundaries, and shields,
and shows us where to begin.

Let us build a love beyond words
that is unbound, and free;
Seeking all that life affords
in the gaze from you, to me.

Author's Notes/Comments: 

Newly finished work, came out a lot quicker, and easier, than I had expected. But regardless, I am quite proud of this particular piece. ^_^

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This one took me aback

This one took me aback reading it. I felt the words. the Emotions. It felt