Demonic Ending

If I could id sleep within a perfect dream

Id never wake up to all ive seen

Id get lost within my thoughts

Instead of remembering all ive fought

Im tired of running, I cant go on

Wish I was dead, wish I was gone

I hate my heart inside of me

Blood and tears are all I see

I walk down a lonely path of pain and regret

Knowing where i leads, my road is set

On the path is a demon, come for my life

With a smirk he gave me a knife

For so long I wished to feel love

But im only hated and spit at from above

Clouds surround me and rain down

My whole life I live behind a mask of a clown

The demon taunts me, it never ends

He will go away, it just depends

I need someone, anyone beside me

So I can forever pay my fee

Im devasted, cut up and bleeding

My whole life "Who am I?", does my life have meaning?

This is not the happy days I forseen in the past

But a demonic ending that has come at last

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