Through my eyes

Over time our souls intetwined in to a permanent connection. It will open our eyes, reaching that awakening we are both starving for.Its going to take us on different routs, Its ok we have a life time. your impresions on me have a lasting effect. I breath in the salvation from your lips. You humble me. first day filled with judgements and jukeboxes. I knew in a instance you would bring change, washing over me no stone left unturned. My dear friend I couldnt imagine a life without you. Your being has given me tools, some shine in my eyes their beams penatrating me. Helps me to move on to the nect chapter in my story. i will make my way their soon turn that page. Sometimes you want to give up and once you did. keep your head up. soon you will feel it like time is starting again just for you. take it all in you will fly amoungst the heavens in your mind. Indestructable held by the wings of an angel.Well thats how i picture it how do you? Your best trates are the things that bring destruction to your door. please dont change them. In your eyes is the perfect combination of passion and determination. You may loose your sight from time to time but you will pull through it with a hungar for exploration of the damaged world our race has handed down to us. Take the rays of hope and beauty and turn it into what you wish.Your mind is the most wonderful one iv come accross, surrounded by a beautiful shell. This is you through my eyes i hope you can see it


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