Forbidden Ecstasy

Her slender back reflects her thoughts.

She said nothing...

as she tied her fire red hair up.

Tilting her head to the side,

Slightly opening her mouth, as she smiled.

Her full, feminine lips seemed to almost match her hair,perfectly.

Her pale skin was almost transparent, almost surreal.

Freckled streams flowing down her neck, down her spine.

Curved, her waist, her figure,

becomes a wave of creamy satin.

Curiosity runs through me.

A soft breeze of almost unexplainable, breathtaking smells fill the room.

Tingly, i grasp every undeniable, unbareble smell.

I breathe deeply, barely breathing at all.

i lick my lips, and for a moment.. the world has stopped.

I can only imagine what she sounds like,

Only imagining when both our eyes meet,

in that second, which seems like an eternity of forbidden ecstasy.

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its nicely written, erotic tones are not as obvious, but its there and the reader really feels it. nice piece ^__^