Four Noble Truths

After achieving enlightenment, the Buddha first communicated the Four Noble Truths to 5 eremites in Benares. They turned into the leading Buddhist monastics. The Four Noble Truths are as follows:

‘Dukkha’ is the First Noble Truth. It means that life is beset with sadness. It is not possible for anybody to stay joyful for a long time. We feel gloomy if we fail to obtain what we long for or once we lose something extremely valuable, or when an adored one passes away.

‘Samudaya’ is the Second Noble Truth. It indicates that misery and sadness are an outcome of unsatisfied desire. The more we achieve, the more we want. It is like an endless cycle of desire. Certainly, if we do not like anything, we do not want that.

‘Nirodha’ is the Third Noble Truth. It refers to the fact that suffering can be ended but we have to give away both attachment and desire. We should never be jealous. Certainly, it is a hard nut to crack but can be made possible through strong determination and dedication.

‘Marga’ is the Fourth Noble Truth. It denotes that, according to the Buddha, greed and selfishness can be defeated by following the Noble Eightfold Path. 

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