A N I M A [Flash Fiction]

Amina, a 12-year-old school-going girl, has been sleeping like Kumbhakarna, Ravana’s younger brother in the “Ramayana”! Out of the blue, something explodes and Amina gets up but she cannot move her legs, not even a little! She senses that it is dead of the night. The “caw” and “kraa” of a crow she can hear. Though she cannot figure out what exactly is going on, she is damn sure about one thing- something evil is going to happen! Amina feels like a lioness inside a cage. She asks herself, “Is it a dream?” “Somebody help me,” she vainly screams!

She tries to take help from her memory by thinking about what happened the previous day! Her memory does not help; perhaps, it is playing a filthy trick! Her phone rings in the room but she cannot move her legs to get it. She uses her hands to bend and start crawling on the floor like a wounded snake. Amina gropes in the dark and happens to find an appliance; it is a blender; she remembers blending a carrot the other day. She has no idea what the blender is doing here in the bedroom instead of being in the kitchen! Amina is sweating like hell!

After crawling a little, her hands begin to ache. Now, she remembers that the phone was ringing a few minutes back. Therefore, she tries her best to find it out quickly. Amina searches for it here, there, everywhere by dragging herself undergoing in untranslatable pain! Her throat gets drier and drier. She feels like she is going to die within seconds. At that very moment, someone is so forcefully knocking at the door and shouting in such a way as if he is a tiger!

Now, she tries to reach the door. After much hardship, she finds herself next to the door. Alas! Amina cannot open it since she is unable to stand up. The unknown person breaks the door and gets in. Pointing a gun at her, he screams, “Don’t pretend to be handicapped, bitch!” He orders his cohort, “Bring her aboard now!”

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