It Begins Again ( In Iowa )





I am an Independent.



A fighting chance


Under these





The most potential 


For change

That I see


In a sea

That truly needs change


Lies in

( sorry for the choice of words )

( but we should be use to it by now  )


Trump  /  Sanders  /  Rubio  /  Paul


And I actually have always liked Jim Webb

( a Vietnam Veteran and War Hero that most people

know nothing about  )


He is no longer running but he needs to be in the Cabinet.


Rubio is a rising Star.


Rand Paul is Rand Paul.

 ( Candor  )


My two-cents.





Author's Notes/Comments: 


Can't comment today in the

Comment section.   6:33 PM

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KindredSpirit's picture

A little follow up

I might write another piece

But for now; out of the candidates I have


Trump and Sanders are the real Shakers.

Paul dropped out and Rubio is to young

And inexperienced.

Kasich would be a good VP. Maybe

Just for the Ohio vote

Because how goes Ohio

Goes the Nation.

I want Webb.


Ohio screwed it up but it still is going

To come back to Cleveland.


The Republican Establishment wants anyone but

Trump. And there is a good chance of a Circus

Of a Republican Convention in Cleveland

With a brokered convention and the Delegates choosing

Which will trash-out the Republican party.


Clinton and Bush  ?

Do I need to say more about them two ?


How about :  Same old  /  Same old


mrpoofs's picture

yep. Never heard of Jim webb.

yep. Never heard of Jim webb. But I am not the most politically astute

KindredSpirit's picture

Glad you responded poofs

Jim Webb is a Great American

And would be my 1st choice

For President.

He was a Senator from Virginia a ( D ).

One term. That was enough for him.

Haha. He found out how effed up it is.

He is being wasted.

The writers here should like him

He has written 10 books and numerous

Other things.

He is a very respectable and smart man.

He would run as an Independent if he could

Get elected.

He is what this Country needs.


I would hope that the Republican winner

Is smart enough to choose Jim Webb

As their VP.

He does not take any Crap.


He would blow these people away

But he is like the coach that does not

Want to hear the medias stupid questions.

"  Like ,  why did you lose the game  " ?

Were you watching the game you freakin'

Idiot ?


A no nonsense kind of guy.


He wrote against going into Iraq and is not

A Hawk.

He Knows War!!