Sinking In

Right Now





Sinking In.


How Far Down


Can You Go ?


Magna Rides.

Over a Waterfall.


Rumblings Heard.

It Couldn't Happen.


Jurassic Park.

Under Ground.


Sans the Dinosaurs.




Hell With That !

He's Here To Catch

Your Soul .


Sinking In ?


How Far Down ?


Can You.........


Really Go ?





Author's Notes/Comments: 


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KindredSpirit's picture

Thank you

For your input.

The poem was a chance for reflection

With an overall view of  " the you " being you

Or someone else in the world

That you ask yourself

How low would they go.


As stated elsewhere

" Sinking " varies to the C'er 

To what they really see.

+ KS  +

And "He" still is in search of Souls.

borbug's picture

i like this one, it is

i like this one, it is exellent.....much of metaphores

KindredSpirit's picture

thank you

This poem (  like all of my poems  )

Can be read the way that you see it.

I ( myself ) like to read them differently

Depending on.......

But know what I was thinking.

( unless I forget and have to revisit my thoughts ).


KindredSpirit's picture

This was meant to be


IE  (  Not the world as you know it  ).