Limited Edition

Straight Write Now






Off-The-Wall Etchings

I'm tryin' to compose.

Straight Write Now.

Just to see if I can do it.


Free writing

To get to the end.


The paper boy is not going

To deliver

This piece to anyone soon.


Let's not talk about



Syndicates make me


Along with knives

In the wrong peoples hands

And the cuts that come with them.


I'd rather deal with a gun

Kus after that first shot

( hopefully across the bow )

I'll be lookin' for cover




Out of Space


One page complete


In this


Limited Edition





Author's Notes/Comments: 


3:33 PM

Inspired by Freewise. /  Danielle

( hopefully across the bow )

Or in the distance 

Or at someone else

Just sayin

Gun shots in the country is one thing

In the city /  something else

But really it is metaphorical in context too.

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SSmoothie's picture

Nicely done good

Nicely done good flow! 

Anxiety and excitement what ever will we write next? The joys ofor a blank page and and creative juices dripping into syntax art 

Don't let any one shake your dream stars from your eyes, lest your soul Come away with them! -SS    

"Well, it's love, but not as we know it."

KindredSpirit's picture


Will see ?

Love or War.

Or No Love or War.

Its to bad about Bowie .

A real Innovator.