Where Did You Learn ?

This is not a Joke





Where did you learn

That nursery rhyme

That I must be good

All the time ?


Did you ever hear the one

When I jump bad

You run and hide

And feel so sad


Where did you learn

That nursery rhyme

That I must be good

All the time ?


If you heard that

Then you must of heard this


Fight Fire

With Fire

And you're about to

Get Lit.





Author's Notes/Comments: 


From a Midwest Boy

To the terrorists

In the Middle East.


Lite em up.

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mrpoofs's picture

Fuck yes! Asking the question

Fuck yes! Asking the question twice was a great idea.

KindredSpirit's picture

Yeah poofs

Don't be puttin' me in any pigeon hole

Cuz them birds are about ready to fly

If I would have my way.


Maybe 3 times is the charm