Can You

This is not a Joke






I knew the Tigers

Were going to beat

The Tigers


You say  ,  "  R.J.

That is a moronic statement

And you're just bragging  ".


You could say that

But then

I could of told you

Which Tigers

Were going to win.


And you could of

Bet the farm

And collected your money

Before the cows

Were in the barn


It just depends

How much of them footballs

You have

To put in




Author's Notes/Comments: 

It was

" A Sure Thing "


I Love Football

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My Dude in the valley

Says it's

Northwestern and Bama today.

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Northwestern and Bama


Them games were not even close.


SSmoothie's picture

I love the world game and NFL

I love the world game and NFL ;) study hard.  Those odds are hard to find in anyone's favour!  

Don't let any one shake your dream stars from your eyes, lest your soul Come away with them! -SS    

"Well, it's love, but not as we know it."

KindredSpirit's picture

The key is to bet

The Sure Things.

College is closer to the Real Deal then Pro.

Last week they couldn't make the spread enough

For a couple games I am thinking about.

They were  " sure things ".

Vegas will take any bet.


Thanx SSmoothie