Fire Flies

Straight Write Now



Fire Flies



Night lights

What a glow

Everything is afraid

Liar  Liar

Pants on fire

No matter what you say


Darkness fills the night

Encircled by the flames

The light   the light

You hear the cry

Not wanting

To run away


Brave Men

Black an White

Embers on their face


Under scarred skies

Not looking for their own


Creamatories to

Slow moving creatures

No need to form a line


Just the need

To have some speed

Faster than that wind




Author's Notes/Comments: 

Written 8/17/15

As a follow up to

" Give US Rain "


Dark is dark

Light is light

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and_hera_met_zeus's picture

very nice!!

very nice!!

KindredSpirit's picture

Right after I wrote the

Two poems for the guys fighting

The fires out West some of them died

Fighting them fires.

What a Job !

They had my heart with them.


That's what the poem was about.

Fire Flies in the middle of the night.