Seventeen and left


This is the end of the story

where all shadows meet

closing  cutrains of death

they dont cover dead mens feet

Slitting of my writs

blood pouring for awhile

thats how my life ended

not with a kiss or smile

No need for shoes where im going

Just a rift of angel light

it'll guide me to my judgement

while i wait bewildered with fright

Heaven hell or inbetween

where am i going ?

im only seventeen.

Author's Notes/Comments: 

anybody got a good title for this one ?

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Jenn!'s picture

Hey! I really like this one! <3 Jenn Jenn

Jena White's picture

this makes me sad that you are/were sad. don't be sad.
even if you are smile.
count your blessings we all have them.
i love your writing. so talented=you.
it's good for ya!

Sarah Schindler's picture

Ohh... Very nice. I like this one a lot. Keep it up. =)

Mary Bibbs's picture

WOW. WOW. WOW. WOW. this is SO SO SO good james. really, it is. the rhyming is wonderful - as always :P - and its so dramatic.

hmm title? bout "Only Seventeen" OR "Light From The/My Angel" OR "Better Judgement" OR "Pouring (of the/my Blood" hehe u take a pick.

luv u
*kisses and hugs*

Anonymous's picture

This is a beautiful poem. I wonder about it though. What would make you wanna die? I don't get it. Name it after the persoon or thing that made you write it. Contact me.

Jenny Lee's picture

HEY! this is a good one i really like it.. sowwie dont have any names for it (left my brain in my locker like i do every weekend) haha but yeah just thought i would let you know that i liked it! -JennJenn