Walking through my sadness
like shadows on the wall
stepping in puddles
slipping but
never taking the fall
A plunge into darkness
day by day
watch the world pass
as i waste away
This time yeilding
but not for too long
because here you came
walking along
All seemed grim
until i saw the light
a smile from you
made everything alright
Now were friends
a bond i hold dear
why i took a chance
to ruin it
will never be clear
I asked if we could be more
then just friends
be togather forever
my happyness would never end.
You said you loved me
with everything you had
but it could never be
the way i wanted it
i then became sad
once again a hope
took high and dropped
shattered to the ground
and then mopped up
We are still friends
to this day
but ill always love you
atleast in my way
i'm crying. that last part...
"i'll always love you, at least in my way" is the BESTEST LINE EVER!
i like this one too! but i highly doubt you care.