September Rain

Standing in the september rain

not knowing what to say

both knowitn what we want

but both afraid to do it

The rain falling all around

but seeming not to touch us.

Both wanting to say whats on

our mind, but not knowing how

As we separate from each others hug

turning to go our separate ways

we keep them to ourselves

we talk for what seems like forever,

we finally say whats on our minds,

I learned the truth,

what should i do?

should i let it go and follow my feelings

or should i stop it before it goes to far

standing in the September rain,

not knowing what to do,

feeling all alone inside,

because I think Ive lost everything.

my tears are falling just like the rain

they wont stop just now

I'm working on with i must do,

not knowing how to tell you,

my feeling and my thoughts inside.

How can i tell you how i feel,

not knowing you that long.

I'm scared to say what's on my mind

Please forgive me if you will...

Author's Notes/Comments: 

Written when i didn't know what was going on..

View kesiahg's Full Portfolio
shawon1982's picture

wonderful work. the name of the poem is very romantic. all the best.

Dr. Zayed Bin Zakir Shawon