He'll always be there


No matter where you go,

no matter what you do,

he'll always be there for you,

he loved you so much,

he helped you through so much.  

He may not be here

physically but he will always be with you spiritually.

His spirit will give you more comfort then anyone else

could give you, he ingraved his love in your heart and

in your mind,

no one will ever take over that place,

no matter how hard they try,

no matter what happens,

he'll always be there to give you comfort in you time of need.  

Author's Notes/Comments: 

This is written for my bayfriend in a time of need when he was struggling with the lose of a close family member.

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Diamond Stringer's picture

Kay, his father would love that so much if he were here to see it now. Keep writting girl.
love ya,