The Gift


The gift is something special,
its something that is loveable.

It may not be a kitten,
a kitten will turn.

It maybe a dog,
but it will attack you.

Its a baby,
the gift from god.

The miracle of god,
is so pwerful at what he does.

The gift is so precious,
with her blue eyes.

The name may be,
Haley Catherine Diana.

This is sure enough alot,
but we can handle it.

She is inside,
waiting to see her new family.

Her mom and dad,
already is blessed to have you.

Your big brother,
will torment you when you are bigger.

He will still love you though,
always and forever.

I hope to see you,
maybe not when your born but soon.

Author's Notes/Comments: 

I dedicated this poem to my family in missouri. My cousin already has a little boy now they maybe expecting a lil girl or boy but we hope its a girl!(:

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seastar3372's picture

Aha, I was with you when you

Aha, I was with you when you found that out!(: ahaha i like it.(:

BrittBritt_26's picture

Aha i know haley! and thanks

Aha i know haley! and thanks

* Always Dream*