

I hear: Lockers opening,
Teacher talking,
tapping pencil,
and people walking.

I see: people writing,
people reading,
people working,
and people day dreaming.

I feel: wooden pencil,
flowerd book mark,
chapter book,
a folder from walmart.

Author's Notes/Comments: 

this poem was made at school and is one of my favorites. I hope you like it! :)

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9inety's picture

I remark in passing,

real sights and sounds stir the mind’s eye to share that moment it is creative justification.
All the everyday happenings, sights, sound and smell all lead to ideas.
The ideas lead to emotions, which lead to the recording of said ideas.
For virtually everything revolves around ideas. I stand corrected everything is an idea…
Only your own imagination can restrict the range of your creativity.

Keep writing
Keep the peace
Be at peace with yourself
Be your own best friend
Stay happy


"One of the best results of life, is the torment of love"

Dylan Eliot

kendra.....'s picture


thank you was actually a project in school that I made into a poem.but good enough i guess!

Kendra :)