Ash: The Color

Ash: The Color

He turns pale

More and more each day.

He grows weaker

More and more each day.

Soon we'll lose him.

Why must God try to

Steal him from me?

His heart is aching, giving out.

He coughs

A smoker's cough.

There's more tears each day.

His wife weaps at the one thought she hates most.

He's turning grey.

The pain grows stronger

More and more each day,

To the point where it's unbearable.

He's the color of ash.

It's time...

He's touching death.

He must walk down the long hall,

Toward the lighted room.

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bishu's picture


Have you lost a near or dear one ?? Wite more not one... Good luck and God Bless



Kellywelly4's picture

Not quite, but almost.

I almost lost my godfather, but he is very much alive today. This poem is about him undergoing open heart surgery.

Incompl's picture

The color of ash... you write

The color of ash... you write beautiful imagery, good job.

Let your teeth show

Kellywelly4's picture

Thank you!

Thank you!