Best Friends

     If someones  hurt you phsically, spiritually,

then you resort to poetry,

     To explain the way you feel inside,

that you've tried so desperately to hide,

    From the tears and the sorrows,

to the pain stricken eyes,

     You tell me you're hurtin,

but don't tell me why,

     So then it's a ring around,

of sadness and sorrows,

     That makes it hard for one to help,

and then it starts as your heart beats again,

     When you enter this world tomorrow,


     Now whether you tell me or whether you don't,

you think I'll leave you, but I promise  I won't !,

     Cause no matter what, I'm Still Your Best Friend.




Author's Notes/Comments: 

From a friend, To a friend.

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boardergirl's picture

Beautiful Poem.

I've not met anyone that I've felt knows how I feel but I know that you can understand and I know I've got one of the best friends I could have ever asked for. Praise God. 





boardergirl's picture

Beautiful Poem.

I've not met anyone that I've felt knows how I feel but I know that you can understand and I know I've got one of the best friends I could have ever asked for. Praise God. 
