I didn't want to come back.....
I wanted to drift off into that bright light that was steadily calling my name
I needed to feel like I belonged
to something
to someone
life wasn't something that I was good at
it was swallowing me whole
and I let it
confidence exuded out of my pores
it wasnt me
it wasnt who I was
I needed to go
oversee everything in heaven
in hell
within the soil
in the depths of the earth
I needed to belong
I heard when He said
that I was somebody
I was special
I was loved
I was cherished
that my journey had just begun
of always feeling like my end was near
I had a purpose
I had someone to live for
I fought
I fought to be here
I fought to live
I fought to feel my fingers on my head
pulling my hair out
I fought to kiss my baby's head one last time
I fought to belong
to myself
I didnt want to come back
but I am here
and I am here to stay
adreed with you idea,,, good piece