Wet Page

Anger Within

filled with pain

I watch the rain

as it falls down on me

here I go again

staring at my pen

wondering what my next words should be

I am never filled with joy

I live to annoy

everyone with my sorrow

no one understands

that I do what I can

to look forward to tomorrow

but it's not easy

to be me

and live my life of hurt

people fill my head

with 'be thankful you're not dead'

but I don't think that it would be worse

than the life I lead

my heart just bleeds

and my eyes are filled with tears

will there be a time

when I don't cry

can I get rid of all my fears

so here I go again

looking at my pen

not knowing what to write

I live in hell

everyone can tell

even though I try my best to hide

life is like a merry go round

with that irritating musical sound

I squeeze my eyes shut

I want something to come to mind

leaving everything behind

but my tears continue to cut

my face as they fall

to hell with it all

nothing ever will get better

I throw the pen down

to hell with writing now

as my page just keeps getting wetter

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