before 18


I can't eat through the tears.
I can't sleep because my thoughts haunt me way past midnight.
I can't dream without it turning dark.
I can't wake up because my motivation has run dry.
I have no job, no friends, no life.
There's no light at the end of the tunnel, no hope in sight.
My plans, hopes, dreams and goals were shattered long ago.
This is just a sign that the end is near.
Isn't so, so sad...
A life cut short before the age of 18.

Author's Notes/Comments: 

I know it kinda sucks, I just thought of it off the top of my head

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you're only 17, your view is warped by the system you're being dragged through. wait til you have more freedom, life is much more meaningful and fun. i used to be suicidal too. then i hopped trains for a year and found God.