In My Thoughts

The darkness has enveloped the room

but in a space so small,

the light shines through.

A breeze flows through this opening,

coupled with noises and rumbling.

And as the breeze tries to comfort me

the tears come flowing from one so lonely.

A confused and troubled heart

wishes for a way to depart.

Away from all the agony-

somewhere to be just me and me.

Even the night brings no silence.

The crickets remind me of the violence

and noise I can’t remove from my head-

the empty feelings-

as the needle searches for the thread.

I once found comfort in the breeze,

the crickets sing again, as if to tease.

They always have a song to sing.

To me, even my voice is an annoying ring.

The sound of dying breaks on a train-

Yes!  That is the sound of my pain.

My weary mind wants just to rest.

But tomorrow I’ll awake to another test.

The room is still dark, as is my spirit.

If the breeze were to speak…

I doubt if I’d hear it.

Kaya Nailah Davis ©2000

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