-When I Think Of You



When I Think Of You

Looking, but not seeing.

Hearing, yet not listening

Thinking, but not really

when I think of you.

I see your face in my mind

I hear your voice, it reminds me.

I think of you, but only gently.

I can't do more than that.

You've been gone a year.

Tears still come, my friend

If I think too long of you.

I'd miss you more, if I could.


Author's Notes/Comments: 

For my very dear friend, who died a year ago today.  I miss you still.

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onelilartist's picture

I guess for you it has been a long year, but it seems like only yesterday that I got your email telling me he was gone. I know how you've grieved and how big a loss it was, but you truly are a cherished friend to all who really know you.


John's picture

Kim: As I read and reread your fine poem, I realize more and more the great loss you have endured and just how hard it is for you or anyone to cope with the passing of a dear friend or loved one. I especially like your last stanza with those painfully said last three words, "if I could". I know how our mind can protect our heart by not contemplating too deeply on the magnitude of our loss. It almost prevents us from going over the edge into an irretrievable pit of sorrow and despair. You have given great tribute to LeVane and his family by honoring his remembrance through your very moving poem.
Well Done!