A Death of Another Kind
Your visit was shorter than anticipated.
Standing here in your embrace,
my head beneath your chin.
I start to whisper my thoughts to you.
But you raise your hand
and with one finger silence my lips.
Instead, we just remember
and save the memories.
Then consider once again,
how to make these goodbyes.
Knowing you are right
doesn't ease this feeling.
It's grief of another kind
and I can't let you go.
You turn and leave me
without the words I need to hear.
And I am left to mourn
a death of another kind.
Music: Beethoven Sonata No.14 in C#,Op.27,Moonlight
True love looks on the character that can cause a heart to beat faster and a breath to catch; whereas, infatuation looks for the packaging without realizing the box is empty. May your life be filled with all the warm hearts and country peace that you so richly deserve.
May you always have a wealth of true love, and the imagination to write such heart-wrenching poems for the rest of us to read.