-Window Open Wide



Window Open Wide

If we could open a window to heaven

and call out to friends passed away

We wouldn't be so lonely

for we'd still see them everyday.

We could talk about current events

or how the kids are doing in school.

And we'd talk about the weather

how the days seem suddenly cool.

We'd chitchat about mundane things

like the stupid stuff I've done,

and the car trip taken to the city

just to have a little fun.

How I wish I had that window

I'd throw it open wide

and tell you things I thought, my friend

I kept too long inside.

You really were my best friend

This truth I've come to see

But why did it take your death

for this to dawn on me?

I still think of things to tell you

then remember you aren't there.

The sadness that overwhelms me

sometimes is too much to bear.

So in my mind I'll keep a window

and when it's open wide

You'll know my friend, I'd like to chat

and you're invited here inside.

Author's Notes/Comments: 
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Kimberly's picture

Thank you for these wonderful poems. I read them and tears pour down my face. Some of them, I can only skim, but it nice to return to them. It touches my heart to see how much you miss my dad, because I miss him so much too.

withpen_inhand's picture

Kim my friend,this is a very Beautiful write.A great subject matter.Makes anyone that reads it to remember it could always be to late to tell the people you love,that you love them,and what they mean to your life...Keep up the great writing Kim,,,,your friend,,,Buren

onelilartist's picture

Oh, Kim! This made me cry. I'm so sorry for your loss. I still think of things I wish I could tell my Maw Maw. She's been gone for so very long now. I hope you are feeling better today, but just think. His family must be devastated by the loss and what a giant hole must be there for them! I'm thinking of you. This is one of your finest works.


Judy Costea's picture

What a beautiful piece of work you have done here. I wanted to cry, got me to thinking how so many times i wanted to ask my dad something only to remember he is gone. I wish we did have a window to heaven.
Thank you for sharing this with me.