
Poetry Challenge


"A man must keep a little back shop where he can be

himself without reserve.  In solitude alone can he know

true freedom."

- Michel de Montaigne, French Essayist

Sepia toned images inviting imagination.

The sun has gone on to tomorrow.

Soon today will be reborn as yesterday.

While a new today waits in the wings.

Atop a grassy hill, bidding farewell.

This long harried day, behind me.

Lying in summer warm grass,

savoring the end of day.

As I listen to gently lapping waves,

I imagine the hiss of the sun

slowly touching the horizon.

The last rays caressing the clouds.

An evening breeze rustles the grass

and makes wrinkles on the water.

Darkness surrounds me in my solitude

in easy comfort, soothing and contented.

I love moments alone, my quiet time.

The peaceful solitude draws my thoughts

like twilight draws the stars from the sky

and words draw pictures in my mind.

Author's Notes/Comments: 

Picture challenge #2  To see the other challenger's response click -->  Jessica

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onelilartist's picture

OH! Wow, totally opposite directions. lol I did use the same color word by accident. Isn't it amazing how we come up with two completely different poems every time? I love this, especially the line about "drawing word pictures". To me everything I read conjurs pictures in my mind. I think you'd better check your filter. lol

Great job!