

You spoke your mind, I spoke mine.

But did we cross that boundry-line?

I told you the truth, as you told me.

The outcome, not favorable, as now I see.

It's been a few days now and not a word.

Perhaps what I've been saying was finally heard.

I have my faults and you do too .

I thought we could handle it, like real friends do.

I exposed the inner me, my secrets unlocked.

Now you don't send email, even AIM seems  blocked.

No explaination, no reason, not even good-bye

I don't understand, do you want me to try?

Shall I send you an email, get down on my knees?

In hopes to appease you, give up who is me?

In outstretched hands I offered this token.

I explained, in my life, how my spirit's been broken.

Now in silence, I'm sorry, what more can I say?

In cyber-hell I sit waiting, counting the days.

Author's Notes/Comments: 

Misunderstandings between internet friends can be difficult.

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Ma Yongbo's picture

cyber-hell ?maybe

why don't you first reach out your warm hand?

Cletus Hardiman's picture

Hey, my friend...This is a sad one! IF we had spoken ill words to each other, I might have thought it was me! But, it couldn't be. But, hey lady, I have been busy!!! (Working)...:)

But, you know, our Chinese friend, just might have a point! Someone has to reach out with a "warm" hand first! Why not you!!

Kat, you are the best!!!

Cletus Hardiman

Hidden Illusion's picture

omg...wow. I love this poem so much! i had to rea it about 5 times before i replied! I loved the way you rhyme it. I really hope things between u and this friend of urs is ok. I know how it feels like. Oh well, keep writing :)

~ Hidden Illusion ~

kat's picture

No Teddy, not you. This is a net-buddy who doesn't even know of these pages. I was so frustrated after getting the 'cold-shoulder' treatment for almost a week after a misunderstanding, that I had to vent my frustrations. Much cheaper than therapy ;)

kat >^..^<

TREXPATTON's picture

Oh, Dgeeze, I hope it isn't ME!!!

"Poe" I'm not, nor "Rich" am I,
but I'll be famous, b'ye and b'ye !

darkpool's picture


The threads that hold internet friends together are thin and wispy, I find. Still, you're right, it does hurt when for one reason or another, the person on the other end doesn't answer your messages. There's no way to find out what went wrong .... no closure, as they say nowadays.

Perhaps we should remember that even if we never see our cyber pals, they still have feelings.

Thank you for the poem,


kat's picture

Okay, okay!
It's long over and done with already. I DID try to make ammends, wrote emails, explained
things. Why do you think I wrote this? It was frustration!!! Come on...all you MEN giving me
advice....can't you see it was another MAN just being stubborn!! Geez!!