Hot summer afternoon,
humidity almost unbearable.
Mucking out the barn....
hay, feathers, dust everywhere.
Just when it seems
too much to carry on...
a breeze.......a gentle cooling breeze.
Blows thru the cracks of the barn walls.
So heavenly, so timely!
I wipe the sweat from my brow.
Climbing the ladder to the hayloft,
seeking more of this wonderous breeze.
Laying in the hay.....
Legs dangling from the hayloft door.
The delicious breeze cooling me.
I close my eyes.
In the quiet I hear...
the gentle stirring of the goats.
The busy cluck cluck of the hens.
Persistant buzzing of barn flies.
But, somewhere in the distance
a low rumble. A train? Blasting?
Then, the tin roof begins to sing
the glories of summer rain.
The raindrops tap dance melodies
on the old tin roof, softly.
Then rapidly, in sudden bursts.
So entrancing, wonderous rain!
Should I run down to the barnyard?
Throw my arms in the air,
spin crazy circles in the downpour?
What a crazy thought!!
I think I shall lay here,
listen to the rain,
sleep in the hay,
and thank God for rain.
I just came back tonight to read one of my favorites again. If I had left a critique each time I've read it, you would be tired of me by now.
May your days be blessed with a bounty of friends, and may you always have Heaven's ear.
Thanks, Jess. Sure, you may use it.
OH MY GOD!!! This is one of your finest works! Maybe others won't think so, but it will be because they never have been there. I could see, feel, and hear everything you mentioned. Don't you think we are truly blessed to have experienced such divine upbringing as to live so close to nature. I wouldn't have it any other way. I LOVE LIVING IN THE COUNTRY. I wish I could afford to buy a million acres and build a house right smack in the middle with no neighbors and no noise. This poem makes me feel good. If you don't mind I want to print a copy and use it with my 8th graders. Such IMAGERY!!