Cat in the Window
I am a cat.
watching the world
thru the window pane.
Basking in the light.
Delicious sunbeams
warming my back.
With eyes half open,
I take it all in.
Watching, listening, sensing.
All senses anticipating.
Ears alert for footfalls
most familiar.
Patiently, I sit here
waiting for you
on my side of the glass.
I am Kat
This is my second try at telling you how great this poem is. I did notice the play on words, and yes, we all are surely glad that you are the one and only K A T!!~~Jessica

I have a cat named Tinker and this sounds so much like her. She sits at the window and waits for me to return from work every day. We have recently moved into a much smaller space and I feel as if I am her jailer sometimes. She is declawed and not allowed to go outside ~ So ~
She waits and watches just as you have expressed here.
The second of what I have read of you. I am enjoying my visit!!
I too was a cat while reading this. LOL Good job.