Roadside Daisys

Yellow daisys

along dusty roads

standing tall

among the weeds

Waiting patiently

for summer rain

to gently clean

their sun kissed faces

Smiling yellow heads

bobbing gently

in the breeze

of passing cars

Common beauty


thousands creating

golden fields

A young child  gleeful

snatching stems

handfuls of love

for mama

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Ruth Lovejoy's picture

excellent piece and love the ending stanza.It's like what's the differenc between a weed and a flower,it's all in the perception and acceptance..

Ma Yongbo's picture

Common beauty
thousands creating
golden fields

I don't understand ,could explain to me?thanks

darkpool's picture


I love daisys, and have mentioned them in my poems as well. I am also crazy about Black-eyed Susans, are you familiar with them? Where our family goes on vacation, there are farmer's fields gone fallow and carpeted with daisies and mostly Black-eyed Susans as far as the eye can see, it seems.

As you may notice, I'm not really critiquing the poem, but that doesn't mean I didn't enjoy it, of course I did. Thank you for writing about daisies and making me think about summer and flowers!!


TREXPATTON's picture

There were "daisies" alongside that road in "Forever Young"; I took pictures of them on a prior day, to juxapose their beauty wi a bomb-crater. I re-see their beauty in your eyes & in this work. Beauty is where we find it, & unlike the adage, it is NOT merely in the eyes of the beholder. You are a vy sensitive perceptor. You have lovely ways wi words. And hearts. Thanks.

"Poe" I'm not, nor "Rich" am I,
but I'll be famous, b'ye and b'ye !