My Wild Woods


My Wild Woods

My wild woods
revived from winter's sleep
as each day passes
bringing forth new life.

Dawn brings the deer
bounding over fences
as if they were never there,
young ones close behind.

The morning breeze
gently ripples the pond
disturbing the reflection
of a perfect new day.

Tiny butterflies of sky blue
puddling on places of damp soil
as it gives forth
the salt from the earth.

The budding flowers reaching
skywards towards the sun
as it filters softly
thru emerald leaves.....

Reminding me of yesterdays
and thoughts that reach
beyond dappled sunlight
and days that were before...

Can I walk with you again
beneath the canopy of trees
once more arm in arm, if only
in the forest in my mind?

Will the caress of a morning breeze
warm my soul
and stir my heart
like your breath upon my neck?

I can hear wind in the pines
whispering your name
a melody so soft and sweet
like a heart felt sigh.

And could the petals of wild rose
compete against softness of your lips?
Or the honeysuckle's fragrance as intoxicating
as the mere thought of you?

I could look behind every tree
over every ridge, but you wont be there.
Only looking inward,
in my mind and heart.

Will I find you waiting
your hand held out to me?
As always, warm as spring
as comforting as sunshine?

The laughter in your voice,
the smile in your eyes,
remains the same, day to day.
Safe within my memories
and secrets of my heart.

Music Info


Author's Notes/Comments: 

Okay, I was asked about 'puddling'.......
Butterflies  sipping from mud puddles and other sources of moisture is called "puddling".  They drink prodigious quantities of water just to get the sodium they crave.

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onelilartist's picture

Kim, there might not be a graphic there yet, but I could see it well. This is so lovely and sad all at the same time. I know the scene you painted well. I wouldn't live anywhere else but the country. Good job!