
Poetry Challenge

Leaning on the porch railing,

mug in hand emanating warmth            

from finger tips to shoulders.

The smell of hot coffee mixed with cool salty sea air.

The morning's quiet solitude

broken by the restless sound

of waves breaking on the beach

and sea gulls cries over head.

Gazing up and down the shore

the peacefulness belies the coming day.

Children chasing dogs and frisbees,

searching for shells at the water's edge.

Teens body surfing & boogie boarding.

Tanned women in bikinis,

smelling of coconut suntan lotion,

stretched out on the hot sand.

The hot dog vendor on the pier

evokes memories of years past.

The heat of the beach on bare feet,

building sand castles, digging moats.

Playing in blue, blue waters,

snorkling among the fish.

Walking along night time beaches

with the love of your life.......

Author's Notes/Comments: 

Another 'words from a friend' poem.  Phil gave me 20 of his words, this is what he got in return.
Rest, play, solitude, sand, heat, love, memories, children, waves, coffee, bikinis, castles, digging, hot dogs, sea gulls, shells, salt, tans, suntan lotion, snorkles.

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Karyn Indursky's picture

This is a beautiful poem from the imagery to the writing style to the format to the pictures to the emotions. Thank you so much for posting this piece and sharing it.

Marcia Chaffin's picture

Very peaceful though provocking images.
I liked

onelilartist's picture

Wow? You found images (visual) that matched the images (evoked mentally) by your own words! This is a top-nothch job, Kim. Great going there.

Helen Schmidt's picture

Hi Kim,

What a fine poem! The imagery is vivid - I can see myself walking along that beach, coffee cup in hand, savoring the beauty of the ocean. Your photo is lovely also! Well done!


Lesa Gay's picture

I would say that you met your friends challenge with an A+! It is kind of funny that we would have a challenge so similar in nature.

You mentioned a hotdog vendor in your work. It brought to mind one of my pieces and since you don't know me very well yet I will give you the title to look for the next time you have the time to visit. It is call Two Treasures Of A Day Gone By

I of course will be back to read more of the person that is you.


onelilartist's picture

When you can write a poem so that the reader smells the coffee, feels the heat, acknowledges the coconut oiled bodies, and hears the surf....I'd say you did a good job.
