Autumn's Sweet Breath

my nostrils burn with every breath I take

but the cool, crisp air is invigorating

the stars are sprinkled ever so delicately

across the darkened sky

and the trees stand exposed

and shivering in the freshly cooled breeze

I close my eyes and feel the icy hands

of change caress my skin

I want to dance with the wind

in the stirring of leaves

as if my heart remembers dancing

this way a thousand times before

I absorb my surroundings and feel Autumn's sweet breath

dwell on my cheeks and lips leaving her crimson glow

the surge of colours depart so quickly

leaving a few flirty traces, but mostly turning to bronze

as they continue their journey

something in the air fills me with hope

and I lay my head down

knowing this is the beginning of

a beautiful season and a wonderful day

Author's Notes/Comments: 

i love autumn it's my favorite season by far

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