Come up for air

Come up for air

Feel my hands squeeze your lungs
I want to see the last seconds of life you posses
I've been told they are the most grandiose of them all
It's when you see the life you've made and the choices you've ensued
I want to see if you believe it's all worth it
Because your lips dance, but you're body moves according to your soul
Those half moon crescents have a way of lying when they're told
It's not lying, it's just keeping from the truth
But it doesn't matter what you call it, an animal's an animal when provoked
Is it such a bad thing? Isn't it worse to keep your darkest thoughts untold 
Ones human nature, the other civility
We place too much emphasis on  what's built from the rubble of tormented souls
I don't want your social status, no, not your petty status quo
I want your human nature, all the ugly and wild wrangled up in those loose bones
I want what you hide underneath your bleeding, painful, woes
It's the only thing in this world that's real anymore
So I'll let you feel my pain if you let me feel yours
We're wild animals trying to live among civilized bores 
But I just want to scratch and bite your flesh as I was meant to
Take in the aura that emanates from my life 
It's the only way we'll know who we are in the purest, rawest form
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pldappls's picture

great piece. i love the

great piece. i love the detail and just the strings of words you are using. it's really 'full' without being 'ranty'. you're really talented.