So Called Problems

Here we go again with your bitching about your problems.

Do me and everyone a favor SHUT THE HELL UP!

Do not give me that bullshit! That you have problems.

Having a boy/girl NOT like you back is not a problem.

A problem IS not being able to sleep in your own bed because the bed is too high and you might get shot while your sleeping.

A problem is definitely NOT getting an F on a test.

It's realizing your parents aren't really your parents to begin with.

A problem is NOT getting a rejection letter from a college.

It's getting a call on January 16th 3:27AM by the police telling your brother has just been killed by a drunk driver.

A problem is NOT fighting with your parents.

A problem IS being forced out of your country at the age of ten, only to follow your twelve year old cousin and 2,000 other lost boys. Because a militant group from the north wants to kill your all the boys from your tribe so you guys can become extinct.

A problem is NOT being late to class and have to go in for detention.

A problem IS telling your three year old son that he is going to get really sick because he has a disease called AIDS; as you start to cry you also tell him there isn’t any medicine to make him better. He just hugs you and says, “Don’t cry mommy. I’m going to be okay.”

But you know he won’t.

See my over-dramatizing, whining, obnoxious friends your problems are nothing more than mere mishaps. Most of you guys don’t have a problems.

Tomorrow morning when you wake up do yourself a favor, take a deep breath and realize you’re alive. As Americans we take what we have for granted.

Author's Notes/Comments: 

It just a few statements the poem isn't good and I know that, but I realized that too many people complain about the dumbest things and take things for granted. After reading this I hope people realize how fortunate they are to be breathing and you could be worse off. Your mishaps are nothing compared to what really goes on in the world. Look out of the box people.

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Ace Boogie's picture

this poem bout problems was the truth simple as that,i'm glad to see others reacting on that shit aswell.
you got a way with words nothing but love to ya