Collateral Damage

Can you even imagine your beautiful baby

Swept away from you in a world gone crazy?

Lying cradled in your arms, wounded and dying

You ~trying to be strong~ but inconsolably crying

Their tiny perfect body now destroyed and shattered

An arm and a leg blown off ~ bits and pieces scattered

You ~trying to hold the gaping holes to stop the bleeding

Knowing without a doubt your child has no hope for healing

Your repetitive words are stumbling spilling out of your mouth

I love you’s and it's okay, don't cries tripping over them selves

As you cup the bloody stub left at your baby’s splintered shoulder

Gone ~ the arm he hugged you with ~ you feel him growing colder

As you despondently stare into his shocked, miniature angel eyes

And you struggle within your soul ~ not wanting to let him die

While wretchedly begging in your mind to take him quickly

So he no longer has to experience this revolting, sickly

Feeling of torturous agony, while conscious of death

In shock ~ you rock him as he takes his last breath

Blood continues to pool all around as you scream

No! Not my baby! Oh please let this be a dream

His lifeless, ravaged body, his eyes staring at you

Pain and fear in his face seems to be frozen there too

His tiny lips turned icy and purplish blue under the red

You weep hysterically and cry why wasn't it you instead

Anger kicks in with the grief as inside your heart turns cold

Trying to fight as your sons limp body from your arms is pulled

People in shock mill around, some help you off the war torn street

This loss has made your body ill and too weak to move your feet

Taken to a makeshift hospital then laid down next to the dead

Only thoughts of your beloved baby replaying in your head

Destruction surrounding you ~ they carry in your cousins

One dead one maimed who's to blame is it the Russians

Could it be this horrifying scene described is not fake

It happened when bombs were dropped by mistake

Wrath rained down on the heads of the innocents

Women, children, the elderly, it makes no sense

Killing in search of Bin Laden's terrorist cell

So have we become the terrorists as well?

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jgupta's picture

Hi Samir your voice, my voice, his/her voice, their voice_not enough to enter thru the clogged eardrums and the extensions of mistakes gets further extended...I simply hate bomblasts!

Elizabeth Wilson's picture

Wow! I'm dumbfounded at the pain expressed in this poem. Very well written and intense is an under statement. Keep on writing, and I want to say I'm very sorry if this was an experience you had to go through.

poetjewnita's picture

As salaamu alaykum,

I love your poem. Yes, it is quite intence.
I fell into a mode of understanding..... I lost a child and know what this person is feeling. Inshaa allah, we as people will learn to understand each other.
Please feel free to visit my site and read my poem in the folder (death) about my son.


Aisha Lortie's picture

Quite an intense poem. I admire your writing style. The beauty of poetry is that everything is not ideal; there is war and evil in this world; using our words as a sword, perhaps one day it will change.Inshallah.