Closed Heart (7/15/2013)

A small town girl got a job at a local store, 

Trying to get things off her mind that made her sore.

Years of torment, hurt, and pain,

Was way more than she could ever maintain.

The past tried to break her, to tear her down,

So she always wore a smile and never a frown.

With her heart torn too much apart, 

She kept herself busy and tried to be smart.

Making sure she didn't fall in love,

Loving quickly she wasn't proud of.

She met a man with baby blue eyes,

With her heart closed, she tried a new disguise.

She loved the playing around and innocent flirting,

But deep down inside she was still incredibly hurting.

She worked with this man with a diligence that she never applied to in her life,

After while her heart was being ripped of it's pain and strife.

She felt a love so strong for this man,

But it was apparent that he had other plans.

He definitely had feelings for this girl 

and definitely wanted to give it a whirl.

But someone else was holding him back,

And she felt as though her heart was starting to crack.

This was like a nightmare that wouldn't go away,

No matter how often she tried to pray.

The time spent to fix her heart,

Now was being shattered apart.

Depression filled up her life like never before,

She didn't know if she could take it anymore.

What was left of her heart closed up once again,

But this time she could feel it in her veins.

Not wanting to see the light she stayed in the darkness,

The deepest part of her mind she wanted to compress.

She wondered if this would just pass, like the rest,

For her heart in pain she did not want to test.

This was the reason she closed her heart before,

She had to forget the man she did adore.

After years away, her heart still in pain,

But now the pain was better to maintain.

She often wondered how it would have been,

Laying next to him skin on skin.

Talking together,

about forever.

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Good write kaminskir17

Good write kaminskir17.. Liked it immensely.Word control is super.So rhyming no bar. Looking forward to further posts. Welcome to PP 
