Graceful Death

O Death, come hither, thou art welcome here;

Thy peaceful silence seems a blessed end

To black despair.  How I long to descend

To welcome folds of naught.  I have no fear

Of quiet dark; 'tis ecstasy to bear

No burden but thy presence, welcome friend;

With everlasting stillness to attend;

Infinitesimal soothing spirits near.

But what of terrifying judgment call;

And what of the finality of death?

Is this a horror?  Last, ultimate fall?

Has meaning ended with that final breath?

Grim Reaper is not grim; death is a door

To tranquil, graceful rest forevermore.

Author's Notes/Comments: 

This one was written in response to what I believe Hester Prynne could have felt during her prison stay in the beginning of The Scarlet Letter.

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