These poor kids today
Being tested from every which-a-way
Not being allowed to learn and enjoy
Anything not necessary, "life's not a toy."
They sit in their desks week after week
Hardly being allowed to move, much less speak
They memorize strategies for taking the test
From minds to hands to paper, it all mecomes a mess.
The teaching is test centered only
When the students all pass the teacher is holy.
If of teaching to test a teacher gets tired
Her students still better pass or she could get fired.
Teaching to the test is hard you see
Its boring to the students, its boring to me
Trying to fit all the curriculum in in the allotted time
Kids feel like they're being passed down an assembly line
Its not fair to them or to the teachers
We need to find a different way to placate the parental schreechers
All we're teaching them to be is better test takers
Throw in a bit of subject, teachers might as well be student-bakers!
This test taking business is getting a bit ridiculous
It totally makes kids and schools much less vivacious
Stop all these tests
Children shouldn't be used to prove our country is best.
I think it's ridiculous for 4th graders to have state tests. Here in Mass we have what's called M-cast which all the junior and senior high school kids hate and freak out thinking about taking.I think to stress a kid with this nonsense is ridiculous. I know my son is a H.S. teacher and he and I have gone rounds about this many times. He thinks it's a good idea. I said stress education,not the kids..